Optimizing Your Prior Authorization Process
Legion Healthcare Partners’ solutions can reduce administrative burden, improve approval rates, reduce the authorization time, reduce backend denials and more.

Reduceadministrative burden

comparative plans

Reduceauthorization time

indirect referrals

Increasedenial overturns

Increasepatient satisfaction

Introducing PAS - Our Prior Authorization Solution
MedLever and Legion Healthcare Partners present PAS—a way to make the prior authorization process simpler.
In partnership with MedLever, Legion Healthcare Partners designed a comprehensive multi-stage workflow to model, track, and monitor patients through the complex and often nonlinear referral and prior authorization process.
Our Prior Authorization Solution (PAS) provides an innovative digital tracking and monitoring system that works across payors and software systems. Tracking begins with the new patient referral and concludes with financial clearance and authorization for treatment.

- Manages complex insurance appeal activities
- Automates document generation
- Adapts documentation based on changes to federal rules and insurance policies
- Sends time-sensitive notifications to teams
- Provides visual alerts for delayed or overdue tasks
- Delivers analyses to improve processes
- Provides approval rate statistics by diagnosis and payor
- Data analytics and costing
Contact us for more information about our proton therapy solutions, business intelligence, education, data analytics and healthcare consulting services.

By definition, the word Legion means an immeasurable crowd, vast host, multitude or number of people. Our Legion takes the fight against cancer to heart.
2001 Kirby Drive
Suite 1100
Houston, Texasinfo@legionhp.com
Images courtesy of Varian Medical Systems. © 2021 Legion Healthcare Partners.